sustainable production.

Already 100% renewable energy generation – and we are expanding further


For some time now, the company's energy generation has been 100% renewable - and we are continuing to expand, because we don't talk, we act. We have already reported in the past on the high value placed on sustainability and environmentally friendly energy generation within the company at Schlichter GmbH. For a long time, and

Already 100% renewable energy generation – and we are expanding further2023-02-13T11:57:37+01:00

Energy generation 100% from renewable energy sources


Energy generation 100% from renewable energy sources The entire company, including production, is already supplied 100% from renewable energy sources. The expansion of the solar installation on the company premises in spring 2021 was a further step and expanded the climate-neutral energy generation many times over by means of additional solar energy panels in the

Energy generation 100% from renewable energy sources2021-10-29T14:09:04+02:00
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