BF-Ultimate+ The cross-linked all-round film – First-class premium polyolefin fine shrink film

Type 12 (10 mµ), type 15 (12 mµ), type 19 (15 mµ), type 25 (19 mµ), type 30 (25 mµ), type 60 (30 mµ), type 80 (37 mµ)

First-class premium polyolefin fine shrink film
highly transparent and high-gloss
5-layer, cross-linked, electronically meshed, high-tech film
With extremely high seal bond strength
Shrink value up to approx. 88%
Very glossy
High mechanical tear and puncture resistance
Excellent welding and shrinking properties
100% food safe and 100% recyclable in LDPE04 cycle

Foliensortiment Polyolefin-Feinschrumpffolie Schlichter GmbH

BF-Ultimate+ ‘The cross-linked all-round film’

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