Social commitment and sports funding

As an international and very successful company in the packaging sector, Schlichter GmbH is highly committed to helping chronically ill people with cystic fibrosis in cooperation with the Cystic Fibrosis Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital of Tübingen. We are committed to promoting the disabled and sports, especially in the youth sector.

We support these important areas with in-kind and monetary donations, taking great care to ensure that 100% of the donations reach the patients and the right projects.

Should you, too, be interested in supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Outpatient Clinic at the University Hospital of Tübingen, we would be very grateful for any donation. We will naturally provide you with a donation certificate for your donation.

We regularly make monetary donations to people with disabilities as well as institutions that support them. In addition, the company’s management is very careful to ensure that institutions for people with disabilities are also taken into account when purchasing materials.

Donations account:

Baden-Württembergische Bank Stuttgart
BLZ:   600 501 01
KTO:   7477 5037 93
IBAN: DE41 6005 0101 7477 5037 93

Please be sure to specify when placing a payment:
Note: D.30.17798 Mukoviszidose-Ambulanz
Tax no. 8615609402

Please send donations in kind to:

Erwin and Rita Schlichter
Silcherstr. 44
72581 Dettingen

Purpose: CF-Ambulanz Tübingen

Sports funding

In the sports sector, Schlichter GmbH mainly supports amateur football and handball. We pay special attention to the youth sector in order to introduce young people to club sports for physical training and meaningful leisure activities.

The Schlichter Cup has been an annual competition in football and handball for many years. Every year, we host a tournament for active and youth teams. The first youth football tournament took place in 1995 with up to 400 youth players.

TSV Wittlingen 2020 2021 Soziales Engagement Schlichter GmbH Dettingen
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